
Name of The Programme Institution Involved Kind of Linkages
ATMA Agriculture Department FLD, Training, Gosthies
NHM Horticulture Department Participation In Training
BSA Jalagam BSA Jalagam Participation In Training
Nutrifarm Agriculture Department Formation of SHG, Training
Animal Camp Deptt. of Animal Husbandry Health Camp, Available of Vaccine
Bhoomi Sudhar UPBSN Advice, Training, Kisan Mela


Special Events

  1. Celebration of important days (ICAR Foundation Day, 23 December farmers day.
  2. Special day celebration (15 August and 26 January).
  3. Saifai Mahotsav (Kisan Mela, Gosthi and Agricultural Exhibition Stall), Saifai (15 days).
  4. Monthly farmers meeting 10th and 20 th of each month.
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